English posts

Welcome to this page where I put together all the English posts published in this blog. I hope it may be useful for you, dear reader.  

New article on social-ecological heritage (10/04/12)

First tragedy, then farce (26/03/12)

PhD Thesis available (18/11/11)
Degrowth in the Financial Times (8/11/11)

Harvest of Harvests available in English and Spanish (2/11/11)

Can Pau Foguera (4 August 2011) is the introduction of one of the chapters of my PhD dissertation.

The series 'El pes que portem a l'esquena' (4 August 2011) is a version of the prologue and the epilogue of my PhD dissertation. The title means something like 'The weight on our shoulders'.

You can read some of the articles published in English through the page scientific papers

You can access some English presentations, including the PhD defence, through the page talks and presentations.